Black on Purpose Television Network would like to work with you !!
Friday,June 7th, 2013
Join the over 30 million people that will watch us Anywhere... Anytime!
Meeting a need ...
[In a recent poll, nearly all African Americans polled -- 97 percent -- say they are unhappy with the African-American TV programs currently on air. Seventy-five percent say they want more documentaries, 71 percent prefer more history, 68 percent desire to see more independent films and 59 percent would like to see more news, according to a new study conducted by Target Market News, a Chicago-based organization that tracks African-American consumer market trends.]
Black on Purpose Television Network is reaching out to independent filmmakers and others with content and fresh Ideas of all kinds to air on the network.
For a list of what we are looking for as well as information on the network please visit our website:
Historically, the portrayal of minorities in movies,
television and all other forms of media has been less than ideal...
Please take the time to read what we are about.
*We would also love to work with Film Festivals and groups devoted to producing content.
Audition Alert!!!
Black on Purpose Television Network will be holding
auditions for a wonderful new project. We are looking for kids between the ages
of 8 and 12 with singing, dancing and acting ability to take part in a music
recording and video project.
All ethnicity's are encouraged to audition.
The auditions will be held on.... Saturday May 11th 2013
The location is the ACVB Theater located at
Underground Atlanta, 50 Alabama Street, Atlanta, GA 30312 We will begin
at 10:00 am. There will be an audition fee of $20 per child.
Please bring your music on a CD and a does not
have to be professional. Be prepared to sing and dance and your songs should be pop or R&B in style. Please be prepared to stay for a while in case you
get called back if selected.
This is a paid project!
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