Tyler Perry and ESSENCE feted spectacular affair for black men in film dinner

BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. (AP) — "This is historic!" a photographer yelled as he surveyed the image before him — Sidney Poitier in the center, Spike Lee to his right, Tyler Perry to his left and more than two dozen other black men in Hollywood, from Blair Underwood to Omar Epps, huddled tight around the legend, posing with a purpose. "We made it!" shouted out one participant as the men broke out into knowing laughter. It was a night of many emotions as Essence magazine, known for celebrating black women, held its first ceremony honoring the achievements of African-American men in Hollywood in the days leading up to Sunday's Oscar ceremony. Poitier gave a moving tribute to the future and the past, Lee delivered a strong rebuke to what he called Hollywood's exclusionary policies and Perry — who owns his own studio — implored blacks to break out on their own instead of waiting for an open door from the industry. "If they close the door then break ...