Nigeria's Pending Presidential Election: How They Work

How Nigeria's presidential election works Muhammadu Buhari Goodluck Jonathan Mr Jonathan is facing a strong challenge from Muhammadu Buhari. The election is said to be the most closely fought since independence. President Goodluck Jonathan faces tough opposition from Muhammadu Buhari The rise of Islamist group Boko Haram in the north-east has put security at the centre of their election campaigns, but the candidates are at odds over how to handle the insurgency in Africa's biggest oil producer. Boko Haram has recently pledged allegiance to Islamic State. Nigeria's presidential election, postponed until 28 March, promises to be a closely fought rematch between incumbent Goodluck Jonathan and former military ruler Muhammadu Buhari. New biometric cards are required for user registration At a polling station outside Abuja, voter Jibrin said he would wait all day and night to cast his vote Many had to queue for hours to register and vote The elections were ...